About Us

health leads to happiness.

Gdas Bali health and wellness resort is built by, and for, those who wish to experience the finest of Bali. It is inspired by one of our founders and investors; Russell Simmons’s healthy vegetarian lifestyle and is often called Bali as a Disneyland for yoga and vegan food. He wants to develop a space where a healthy lifestyle is accessible and based on respected Balinese ancient literature; Usadha Bali’s lontar. Usadha is defined as a lontar manuscript that contains the science of medicine and the names of plants for medicine. With the help of his partner, Ida Bagus Oka Genijaya, they both planted a seed for a health and wellness resort in the heart of Kumbuh village, Mas. Providing the seed that will turn into reality for everyone to reconnect with themselves, have a better life, and further understanding of body, mind, and soul.

Gdas stands for govinda das, meaning “a servant of the divine”. Being a servant means being a teacher, sharing what we know and love with the world. We believe that we are all leaders and we must work together to make positive change in the world but it is only when we take care of ourselves first and foremost that we have more to offer to the world around us too. We must heal ourselves before the world around us can heal. We lead with the yogic philosophy of Dharma. Meaning it is the highest duty of every business and every individual to take care of the universe we all live in.

With Usadha Bali’s approach and philosophy, Gdas Bali will be your destiny with a health-based tourism experience to all kinds of communities that are ready to look within and focus on the positive energy this island has to offer.


 To be a premier luxury destination in the world that leads to wellbeing of our discerning guests and communities.


Delivering unique and personalized experience, through holistic wellness and contributing to sustainability.

corporate social responsibility

Yoga means union of all things. In Gdas we recognize the practice of yoga goes beyond the practice we do on the mat. Yoga is a daily practice in all things we do and symbolizes who we are. We believe in the significance of our relationship with people, our communities, and the society at large in order to create sustainable, long-lasting solutions to the issues the world is facing today. We strongly believe that it’s our responsibility to serve, to be of service, and act as leaders for positive change. We are a union. We are ALL leaders. We are servants of the divine. We are Govinda das.

Social Commitment

our social commitment.

We always work to improve and identify our business impacts on employees, contractors in our value chain, customers, and the local community.

  • We always reserve 4 complimentary mats in any of our yoga classes to reach those in our local community who otherwise would not be able to attend.
  • We prioritize local caterers for employee lunches, taking intentional steps to shrink our carbon footprint, embracing sustainability.
  • We deliver essential food packages to local orphanages every six months, weaving a tapestry of support for those who need it most.
  • We regularly contribute to local communities as they carry out social and religious activities, fostering connections.

our economic commitment.

To build the economy of Bali post-pandemic, and promote fair trade, fair wages, and equal opportunities.

  • We prioritize hiring locally with fair wages, treating our team as an extended family guided by the principles of “People-Service-Rewards.
  • We proudly employ individuals with disabilities from local orphanages, creating a workplace that champions compassion and opportunity.
  • Empowering Balinese women is at our core. Through English and financial courses, we provide equal opportunities, contributing to the growth and strength of our community.

our environmental commitment.

  • Reduce plastic waste: reusable shampoo, conditioner, and soap dispensers. We also provide glass bottles and tote bags in each room.
  • Our in-room amenities are maximizing the use of natural products and are made with eco-friendly materials (bamboo, wood, stones, rattan, pandan leaves, and organic herbs aromatherapy).
  • We plant rare herbal Balinese plants in the resort and The Bali Eden.
  • We also work with Banjar Kumbuh to plant medicinal trees and herbs around the village.