Rebirth Retreat

The Rebirth Retreat is a transformative experience designed to help you heal deeply and reconnect with your true self. Through guided sessions in trauma healing, family constellation work, and breathwork, you will embark on a deep healing journey of inner growth and renewal. Join us to move from surviving to thriving, surrounded by supportive facilitators and a peaceful nurturing environment.

Retreat Leader

Solange: Solange is a Holistic Trauma Healing Therapist & a Certified Regression & Reincarnation Therapist with over a decade’s experience to healing trauma on a mental, emotional, physical & spiritual level. Solange holds a safe & trauma-informed space where she supports her clients in healing unhealed pain from the past, peeling off all the (subconscious) layers & blockages. Her work includes healing unhealed Ancestral Trauma, Womb Trauma, Childhood-trauma & Past-Life Trauma.

Matteo: Matteo is a Holistic Therapist; he supports people to reconnect with themselves. He mainly uses the modalities of Breathwork Therapy & Cold Therapy, Family Constellation. Matteo’s Breathwork practices were born from the combination of various healing techniques that he personally studied and discovered during his healing journey, and after experiencing their healing power himself, he decided to share them with the world.

His mission is to support his clients on three different levels: the mind, body, and soul.



Reserve your place on this retreat while space is still available.

You can reserve your spot, register and get more info about this retreat through the link below